Step Legal Solicitors To Launch New Medical Negligence & Professional Negligence Service
Step Legal Solicitors continue to go from strength to strength with the launch of a new medical negligence and professional negligence service from July 2020
At a time when many businesses in the UK are battening down the hatches and putting their staff on furlough due to Covid-19, Step Legal Solicitors continue to buck the trend by pushing ahead with their ambitious plans for expansion.
Launched in April 2019 as a boutique personal injury firm specialising in serious accident claims, the law practice in Crewe has already added residential conveyancing to its service offering following the recruitment of property specialist Anees Khan earlier this year and from July will also be able to deal with medical negligence and professional negligence claims following the hiring of another talented lawyer, Dominic Jones.
Reflecting on the progress the firm has made in the past 15 months, managing director Abid Hussain says:
“Our plan has always been to develop the business in order to increase the range of legal services that we can provide, but even we have been surprised by the speed with which we have been able to put our plan into action. In part this is down to the calibre of our lawyers, each of whom are recognised experts in their field and who have managed to quickly establish themselves locally as the ‘go to’ people where legal advice is required.”
“In addition, we have a fantastic support team who between them have over 40 years’ experience of working within law firms, one of whom even has a Master’s Degree in Business Management and is able to provide our clients with a free Polish translation service where required.”
“Also key to our success has been the investment we have made in our IT systems and in particular in the acquisition of sophisticated case management software which helps us to drive cases forward in the most effective and efficient way possible.”
However, as Abid acknowledges:
“Undoubtedly one of the biggest reasons for our triumph to date is the warm welcome we have received from the people of Crewe, who have taken us to their hearts and shown immense loyalty in coming to us when they need help and in recommending our services to their family, friends and colleagues.”
As for what the future holds, it really is a case of watch this space…….
Our sponsorship of recently promoted Crewe Alexandar FC continues, we have a new promotional video which is now available to view on YouTube and of course we have Dominic’s imminent arrival to look forward to.
For anyone thinking about taking legal action in respect of a medical negligence or professional negligence claim, please feel free to get in contact with us now on 0800 1956412 so we have your details to hand for when Dominic arrives on 20 July.
His breath of experience and technical expertise is truly impressive, as the following extract from his professional profile demonstrates:
“Dominic is a solicitor who specialises in recovering compensation for people who have been seriously injured as a result of medical or dental negligence, or who have suffered significant financial harm following the provision of negligent professional advice.
He deals with claims against GPs, A & E departments, NHS and private hospitals, NHS and private dentists and professional service providers including solicitors, conveyancers and surveyors.
His experience in medical and dental negligence claims includes dealing with cases arising out of misdiagnosis, failure to refer, delays and mistakes in treatment, surgical errors, failure to spot cancer and other potentially life changing diseases and failure to spot and keep on top of acquired infections.
He also deals with claims in which mistakes in diagnosis or treatment have resulted in a patient’s death and where compensation is being sought by bereaved relatives. In this regard he may additionally be able to provide representation at a Coroner’s Inquest.
His experience in professional negligence claims includes dealing with cases involving the provision of sub-standard advice, failure to act in accordance with instructions, recommendation of an inappropriate course of action and failure by a professional to comply with applicable rules or procedures or to act within prescribed time limits.
Described by clients as “absolutely focused on getting the best possible outcome for those he represents”, Dominic is a lawyer who will work hard to get you the compensation you deserve and who takes the time to ensure you understand your options through clear and easy to follow legal advice.”